Intro to Birding, Saturday Series, with Jim Millard - May 25, 2024


May 25, 2024


Springtime is the time of migration and the largest variety of full plumage birds are most likely to be encountered.  As we move into late spring / early summer, migrants have moved to their nesting grounds and pair off for the nesting period.  Visual ID becomes much more difficult as the foliage often completely obscures birds, but their habits and audible clues still allow identification and enjoyment.

The Intro to Birding, Spring series will provide students the opportunity to move throughout the folk school property all Saturday mornings during the month of May. We will experience the changes in bird variety and behavior as springtime progresses.

Students can expect to be guided through the natural area and get an introduction to bird identification, habitat and activity.  Bird identification will be through both visual (shape / color / behavior) and audio (calls / songs / behavior) means.  

Recommended supplies:

Head net and/or bug repellent, binoculars

Tuition: Free will offering, but adding the course to cart and completing registration is still required for attendance purposes

Adults and Children 12 and up when accompanied by an adult

Course sold out? Sign up for the waitlist here!

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Your Instructor

Jim Millard

Born and raised in the Midwest, I have had an interest in birds since early grade school.  I had an older brother who inspired me with an enthusiasm for birding and helped me learn the sights, sounds and behavior of birds.  After graduating from college and getting into the workplace my hobbies tended towards my 3 children; when they were old enough I took them to the state park near our house to observe wildlife and participated in the park’s bluebird monitoring program.  

My wife [Mary] and I took the University of Minnesota’s Master Naturalist Volunteer course in the spring of 2021, and my capstone project was an Eastern Bluebird nest box trail at Crow Wing State Park.  Since moving to St. Joseph last summer I have become a member of the Central Minnesota Audubon Society 

Recently retired from 33 years with the US Army, I now have the time to spend doing more with wildlife. I have a passion to instill enthusiasm and participation from students so that they can learn, grow and enjoy the outdoors, birds in particular.  I have found that the students’ questions and conversation also inspire me to learn more along with them.  Curiosity is a quality which should be encouraged as it leads to life-long learning.