October 2022 Newsletter
Tuesday, October 25th would have been Francis Cloud Schellinger’s 100th Birthday. Francis’ legacy looms large at the Avon Hills Folk School (AHFS). Some would say he is at least part of the inspiration and we often find ourselves asking, to ourselves or out loud, “What Would Francis Do?”
September 2022 Newsletter
Volunteers Needed. No experience necessary. Just passion.
“I never even knew you guys existed.”
This is a comment we often hear from people as they first learn about the Avon Hills Folk School. In some ways this has been on purpose as we were not yet ready for lots of people to know about us.
Timber Framing Basics: Camaraderie with a capital C
When I finished the Timber Framing Class at Avon Hills Folk School, the instructor, Clark, asked what part of it made the biggest impression on me. I hesitated. As Inigo Montoya once said, “Let me explain…No, there is too much. Let me sum up.”
Paradise Lost
Paradise Lost
We’ve all heard it. Most of us have said it. “When I was a kid we made our own fun.”