Bouja 2016 Recap

Yesterday was the one-month anniversary of the “re-start” of our Annual Bouja Party.

The preparations began on Friday with the cutting of the vegetables and such. Last minute adjustments to the Bouja kettle and shelter were made.

Saturday was a great fall day, just cool enough for sweaters but no jackets needed. Matt Peters, official stirrer of the Bouja, showed up early and ready to take “the wheel”.

We saw many of the familiar faces from the good old days and a bunch of new faces. Neighbors, friends, some relatives and just enough little ones. Many re-connected and many new connections made.

As in years past people came with their communal offering of a homemade or store bought dessert. Many gathered near the Bouja and just as many then spread out into the surrounding woods to explore the creek and surrounding hills.

“We could smell the Bouja when we got out of the car!”, exclaimed more than one arrival. People were met with the sights, sounds and smells of an October Saturday in the Avon Hills, among neighbors, friends. And with Bouja.

It was as it was intended, community gathering and happening, in nature and around a cauldron of steaming Bouja!

Thank you to all who helped and all who came!

Save the date for next year – going forward it shall be the 2nd Saturday in October!


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