Multi-Color Block Printing - May 31, 2025


May 31, 2025

1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

There are a number of ways to add color in your block printing techniques. Some of these include adding color to a black and white print with paint, colored pencils etc. or creating a colorful background on which to print. More traditionally, you may create multiple blocks for different colors. You will learn how to carve multiple blocks and do simple “registration” (lining up multiple blocks) for aligned printing.

Please bring an image or two to work from. These images should be 3x4 or 4x6 and should not have too much detail in them. 

Tuition: $60

Materials: $25

This course is for students 14+

Check out Block Printing Basics course in the morning!

If you’re attending both Block Printing Basics and Multi Color Block Printing, lunch will be provided.

Your Instructor



Shelley Getten has been creating block print art since 2005, when she learned basic printmaking from Grand Marais artist, Kelly DuPre. She loves sharing the joy of creating something new and believes it is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves and our youth. Her first full-length poetry book, Of Cows and Crows, was published by Nodin press in the fall of 2024. It combines her art (cover and sections) with her poetry of growing up on a farm near St. Cloud, MN. 

Course sold out? Sign up for the waitlist here!