Wild Altars - May 3, 2025
May 3, 2025
Wild Altars is an immersive and centering experience that invites us to hold things lightly, because so much in life is here, then gone. The day will begin by intentionally entering the woods--as a child would. Nothing to do. Just time to be, to notice the ephemerals, those blooms that bloom one day and are gone the next. To find a spot that beckons. From there, participants will gather curiosities from the forest (pine cones, feathers, mud) and create their own wild altar, trusting that there is no right or wrong. Only what feels right. After a nourishing and satisfying lunch, participants will walk mindfully from altar to altar. Quieted by the forest, the day will end with writing down on beautiful paper what no longer serves. These papers will be burned, turned into ash and dust. Walking out of the forest, participants will feel rested and ready to move onto whatever's next with ease, wonder, reverence.
This course is for students 16+
Your Instructor
Betsy Johnson has been practicing yoga for over two decades, and she has taught everywhere from a 103-degree yoga studio to her dentist's office. Her meditations have been downloaded over 300,000 times on Insight Timer, and she has published five books.