Writing Poetry in Nature - June 1, 2025
June 1, 2025
9:00 am - 12 pm
Many artists of all disciplines point to Nature as inspirational, but how do we actually draw from our experience to create a final work of art, writing, music, etc.…
The answer is…
You have to go there, be in it…sit and allow it to flow into your psyche.
During this course, we will talk about how to open to what Nature has to offer, how to SEE, HEAR, TOUCH, SMELL and perhaps even TASTE our poems long after the experience itself is over.
After writing prompts and suggestions, we will find places on the property to go and write. We will then reconvene to edit and share our work with gentle critique.
The goal will be to leave the course with at least one good poem (perhaps many) that is/are near completion.
Tuition: $45
Materials: $5
This course is for students 16+
Your Instructor
Shelley Getten has been creating block print art since 2005, when she learned basic printmaking from Grand Marais artist, Kelly DuPre. She loves sharing the joy of creating something new and believes it is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves and our youth. Her first full-length poetry book, Of Cows and Crows, was published by Nodin press in the fall of 2024. It combines her art (cover and sections) with her poetry of growing up on a farm near St. Cloud, MN.